Презентация по английскому языку на тему "In Harmony with Others"(10 класс)
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It is important for a person to live in peace with other people in order to maintain the harmony necessary for development.
In Harmony with Others
How to live in harmony
with others?
Living in harmony with others is more difficult than it seems at first glance.
in this presentation you will
see some tips on how to
learn to live in harmony
with other people
I try to treat others the way
I want to be treated myself
in what cases does
this rule work?
So, to live in harmony?
Is it even possible?
yes, of course . Agreement between people, even the most dissimilar, is possible. We just need to show a little kindness and we can create a society of people living in harmony with each other.
but first we need to find harmony with ourselves.
life in harmony with yourself
Harmony with yourself is necessary for anyone. This is a state of mind in which a person feels free, feels great, is in high spirits. He feels good and calm.
What should you do to find harmony with yourself?
- Achieve physical harmony
- Calm your mind
- Accept your fears
- Find positive emotions
- Communicate with loved ones
- Find a hobby
These tips will help you to live in harmony with others:
Everything starts with you. If you want to live in harmony with others, do not count on the fact that it is "others" who will ensure harmony in your relationships. Don t wait for someone to treat you well. Be the first.
Be friendly and outgoing.- say hello to people on the street, especially if you regularly see them nearby. Try to treat them like your friends.
Be prepared to compromise. Things won't always go the way you want, but that doesn‘t mean you have to constantly push yourself.
Open up to people and treat them fairly. Give up lies.
Of course, this is not all, but you should start somewhere.
When does the rule «Treat people the way you want to be treated» work?
Unfortunately, this rule only works with people close to you. Who can be called a close person ? From a psychological point of view, a close person is a person who has the desire and ability to take care of you, who knows how to give every thing without a trace, while not being afraid to lose himself.
In everyday life, our relationships with people are tested for strength. Undoubtedly, in any relationship, sometimes there are quarrels , misunderstandings and conflicts. But do not forget that in order to achieve a favorable atmosphere , you need to work on yourself.
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