Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Спорт"
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[l] – football, volleyball, basketball.
[b] – boxing, rugby, badminton.
[t] – table tennis, skating, gymnastics.
[f] – football, figure skating, windsurfing.
[h] – hockey, handball, horse riding.
[s] – swimming, wrestling, baseball.
[g] - golf, figure skating, rugby
[d] — judo, diving, taekwondo [taɪˈkwɒndəʊ]
Do you like sport?
Do you like to watch it on TV or do it by yourself?
What kind of sports do you know?
What is your favourite summer sport?
What is your favourite winter sport?
Eleven people play this game, they use black and white ball to play
2. You need a skate
3. The act or sport of those who swim
4. You need a big orange ball and a basket
5. This game is played on the ice by strong and fast men
Guess the sport
Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? Let’s divide in groups of four people to think good and bad sides of sport.
Write down the rule!
Play is used with ball sports or competitive games
Do is used with activities that can be done alone
Go is used with activities that end -ing
Когда речь идет о занятиях спортом и различных играх, изучающие английский язык нередко путают такие глаголы как «do», «play» и «go»
Давайте разберемся, в чем же разница и как правильно употреблять эти «спортивные» глаголы.
Глагол «GO» используется с теми видами спорта или занятиями, которые оканчиваются на -ing. Обычно они подразумевают перемещение в пространстве из одной точки в другую, а в русском языке подобную идею мы выражаем фразой «пойти что-то сделать (поплавать, побегать, покататься на…)», а также «заниматься чем-либо».
Let's go cycling.
My wife goes swimming twice a week.
Глагол «PLAY» употребляется с различными играми (компьютерными, настольными и т.п.) и теми видами спорта, в которых:
- состязаются командами/парами,
- используют мяч или что-либо его заменяющее (шайбу, воланчик).
По большому счету это все игры и поэтому они и соответсвуют русскому «играть».
Can you play chess?
I often play tennis.
Глагол «DO» ставится перед теми видами спорта и занятиями, которые представляют собой:
- физические упражнения,
- боевые искусства,
- индивидуальные дисциплины, невключающие в себя состязательный момент.
В русском языке в подобных случаях мы обычно используем глагол «заниматься».
All classes do gymnastics at school.
My sister does yoga.
What sport we can… PLAY ? GO ? DO ?
Aerobics handball jogging
Skating hockey sailing
yoga table-tennis
Football gymnastics
Let`s read the text.
The student from college told about sport. His name is Victor.
Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.
Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.
There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.
There are summer and winter sports.
As for me I like football. It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. My favourite football team is BARSELONA and my favourite football player is Leo Messi.
Say is it true or false:
Sport is not important in our life.
A lot of people do morning exercises.
There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: rugby, cricket, baseball and others.
Swimming is one of the most popular kinds of sports.
Victor likes volleyball.
His favourite football team is Manchester United.
His favourite football player is Ronaldo.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Лук от семи недуг.
Good health is above wealth. Здоровье дороже денег.
A sound mind in a sound body В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано встает, тому бог подает.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
You are what you eat. Скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты.
Wealth is nothing without health Здоровье дороже всякого богатства.