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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Числительные"

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 Countable  <br>and <br>uncountable <br>nouns<br>
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Countable   nouns<br>Things  and  persons  we can  count<br>
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Countable nouns
Things and persons we can count

Countable nouns<br>A countable  noun  have  singular  and   plural   forms:<br><br> singular
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Countable nouns
A countable noun have singular and plural forms:

singular plural
one ball three balls

An uncountable nouns has only one form<br>    coffee           <br>                            time
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An uncountable nouns has only one form

single form<br>water,  snow,  gold , silver<br>tea , coffee,  milk ,  juice<br>salt,  sugar,  butter
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single form
water, snow, gold , silver
tea , coffee, milk , juice
salt, sugar, butter, oil , rice ,cheese, meat
time , work, information, love

plural form<br>People ,  police  <br>Trousers  , jeans , tights , shorts<br>Clothes , goods<br>Sciss
6 слайд

plural form
People , police
Trousers , jeans , tights , shorts
Clothes , goods
Scissors , glasses

Countable nouns<br>  many             a few<br>  много            мало           <br><br><br> <br><b
7 слайд

Countable nouns
many a few
много мало

There are many green trees in the garden.
My German isn’t good, I know a few words.

Uncountable nouns<br>   much               a little <br>   много              мало<br><br><br><br>I
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Uncountable nouns
much a little
много мало

I can’t buy new car, I have a little money.
Look !There is much water on the floor .

A lot of we can use both with countable and uncountable nouns<br>                                a
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A lot of we can use both with countable and uncountable nouns
a lot of

Betty has a sweet tooth . She eats a lot of sweets.
Yesterday we went shopping and spent a lot of money.

      Complete the sentences<br> many/much   a lot of    a few/a little<br>  Ann  is ill.  She  must
10 слайд

Complete the sentences
many/much a lot of a few/a little
Ann is ill. She must drink ------- tea with lemon.
Tom isn’t very popular. He has ------ friends.
Look! There is so ---- pictures on the walls.
Gary is busy. He has very ----- time for walking.
Have you got ------ money ?
I can’t eat it. There is so ------ salt in my salad.

Test yourself.<br> Ann  is ill.  She  must drink  much  tea with lemon.<br>Tom isn’t  very popular.
11 слайд

Test yourself.
Ann is ill. She must drink much tea with lemon.
Tom isn’t very popular. He has a few friends.
Look! There is so many pictures on the walls.
Gary is busy. He has very little time for walking.
Have you got a lot of money ?
I can’t eat it. There is so much salt in my salad.

Thank you for attention!<br>
12 слайд

Thank you for attention!

Выучить слова – много – мало<br>В учебнике упр.1 на стр.48-49 - перевод<br>
13 слайд

Выучить слова – много – мало
В учебнике упр.1 на стр.48-49 - перевод

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