Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Мода и одежда"(8 класс)

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Clothes can be different depending on the season
Summer clothes
Winter clothes
Demi-season clothes (spring and autumn)
What material of clothes do you prefer?
I prefer…because it’s…(nice, cheap,practical,warm,pleasant,natural)
Place and choice of clothes
What clothes do you choose planning your visit to…?
I choose…when I’m going to…
What is fashion?
When we talk about fashion we usually mean the popular style in dress or behavior. For most modern people fashion is a method of wearing clothing, accessories and hair to express themselves. Fashion is always changing, normally it is possible to say what time or epoch the particular clothing belongs to.
Modern Fashion Industry
Designers can greatly influence what direction fashion will go in. Such famous names as Prada, Armani, Gucci ,Christian Dior, Dolce and Cabbana or Marc Jacobs belong to the greatest world designers of our time.
As a rule, designers work half a year ahead of the season. Then they present their new collections on the famous sites of Paris, Milan and New York fashion. The media cover the new trends for the customers all over the world.
Celebrities usually advertise new looks first and get the customers interested in the new trends. So after such a campaign, customers can already find the new collections in the shops.
In October 1985, the Dolce & Gabbana brand made its fashion show debut at Milano Collezioni's Nuovi Talenti (New Talents).
D&G continued to expand, holding its first fashion shows in Tokyo (April 1989) and New York (April 1990), and releasing new collection lines, including its first lingerie and beachwear line in July 1989, and its first menswear line in January 1990.
Let’s work in groups answering some questions about clothes
One of you will be a journalist who wants to know the cloth preference of Russian pupil and others will answer him
1.Where are you going to buy your clothes?
2.What material will you choose ?(Do you prefer natural or synthetic fabrics)
3.What style of clothes will you choose?
4.Where are you going to wear these clothes?
5.Who is your favorite designer?
Let’s summerize our lesson
Answer some questions,please
What did we speak about at our today’s lesson?
Have you learned anything new about clothes today?
The lesson was interesting and important
Everything was clear at the lesson
I’d like to know more about this topic
There are things that are not clear for me