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Обучающая презентация по теме "What can we do for charity?"

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1 слайд


   Translate into English<br>одинокий<br>нуждающийся<br>инвалид<br>пожилой<br>дома для престарелых<b
2 слайд

Translate into English
дома для престарелых
собирать деньги
обеспечивать приют
оказывать поддержку
сделать вклад
быть вовлеченным в
делать что либо значительное
протянуть руку помощи

nursing homes
raise money
provide shelter
make a contribution
be involved in
make a difference

give a helping hand

3 слайд

<br>  <br><br>A charity  -   an organization that helps poor people. <br>A volunteer  -  a person wh
4 слайд

A charity - an organization that helps poor people.
A volunteer - a person who helps without any money.
An orphan – a child whose parents are dead.
Disabled people – people who can not use a part of their body.
Needy people – people who have very little food or money.
Lonely people – unhappy people because they are alone.
Homeless people – people who have no place to live.
Donation – money, that somebody gives to help a person or organization.
Sympathy - the feeling you have when you understand why someone is sad and want to help him/her feel better.

What is the charity?<br> Who or what does it help?<br>How does the charity help?<br><br>
5 слайд

What is the charity?
Who or what does it help?
How does the charity help?

What is the charity?<br>Who or what does it help?<br>How does the charity help?<br><br>
6 слайд

What is the charity?
Who or what does it help?
How does the charity help?

What is the charity?<br>Who or what does it help?<br>How does the charity help?<br><br>
7 слайд

What is the charity?
Who or what does it help?
How does the charity help?

What is the charity?<br>Who or what does it help?<br>How does the charity help?<br><br>
8 слайд

What is the charity?
Who or what does it help?
How does the charity help?

Listening   Comprehension<br>V O L U N T E E R S   <br>Which activities do people do? <br>They colle
9 слайд

Listening Comprehension
Which activities do people do?
They collect money 3 or 4 times a year for children who are ill and come from poor families.
They have concerts at school to collect money for charity.
They are in a Green Group. They plant trees and clean their local river.

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