Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Tail questions"

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Tail questions - to be
It is sunny today, isn’t it?
They are sleeping, aren’t they?
Butter is made of milk, isn’t it?
I am right, aren’t I?
Tom was here, wasn’t he?
My friends were at home, weren’t they?
Tail questions - to be
It isn’t rainy today, is it?
I am not late today, am I?
My pets aren’t walking now, are they?
There weren’t lots of friends, were there?
My dog wasn’t dirty, was it?
Mum and I aren’t late, are we?
Tail questions - have
You have got a cat, haven’t you?
Your sister has got a sense of humour, hasn’t she?
They have read this book, haven’t they?
Ann has just written a letter, hasn’t she?
We haven’t got any problems, have we?
Tom hasn’t bought bread, has he?
Jim and Jill haven’t appeared yet, have they?
Tail questions - can
You can speak English, can’t you?
My friend can swim well, can’t he?
My pets can run fast, can’t they?
I could read when I was 6, couldn’t I?
Ann can’t speak French, can she?
They can’t play chess, can they?
Ann couldn’t help us, could she?
Tail questions - present simple
You understand me, don’t you?
Ann plays chess well, doesn’t she?
Jim and Jill like golf, don’t they?
John speaks Russian well, doesn’t he?
They don’t like pizza, do they?
Alice doesn’t like cheese, does she?
Jim doesn’t feel good, does he?
Tail questions - past simple
You went to Rome last year, didn’t you?
Jim played football yesterday, didn’t he?
Ann finished school last year, didn’t she?
I had fun yesterday, didn’t I?
You didn’t go to France last year, did you?
Ann didn’t like the game, did she?
They didn’t visit Granny on Sunday, did they?