Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Путешествия" (8 класс) "Проект-каникулы моей мечты)

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Презентация "Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Путешествия" (8 класс) "Проект-каникулы моей мечты)" онлайн бесплатно на сайте электронных школьных учебников edulib.ru
My Dream Holidays
Savosin Ivan
Маde by Savosin Ivan
Form 8
Chernava School
Izmalkovsky District
Lipetsk Region
Teacher Sorokina E.V.
On vacation I would like to visit Japan. It is attracted to the fact that the culture of Japan is difficult to understand. The list of national features is reminiscent of the leadership of the paradox, but such is the heart of Japan and the people who inhabit it. Japan is warm, friendly and very easy to reach for each of you. The sights of Japan are rich in diversity and technology. Go there and you will see more than you ever expected. I will tell you about some of the sights now.
Bamboo alley
Bamboo alley Stretches across the expanses of this beautiful state Arashiyama bamboo grove, which has become almost the most popular attraction of Kyoto in Japan. The grove was created by the hands of a monk named Muso Soseki. Today, bamboo alley implies a full-fledged mini-park, which can be bypassed in 15 minutes. But it does not matter what territory the grove occupies, it is important that you want to walk here for hours. No wonder they say that here you can learn the meaning of life.
At the moment, there is no taller TV tower in the world than the Tokyo Sky Tree. Its height reaches 634 meters, in addition, it is the only structure surpassing the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. It offers a wide range of opportunities for tourists. you can go to one of the panoramic platforms and take unforgettable selfie against the background of the city, or go to a cozy restaurant with a beautiful view from the window or look for a gift for relatives and friends in one of the souvenir shops. In addition, a shopping and entertainment complex is located at the base of the tower.
The oldest castle in Japan is Himeji or the Castle of the White Heron. The complex includes 83 structures, and almost all the buildings are wooden. Himeji is located in Hyogo Prefecture at the foot of Mount Hime. The picturesque area is complemented by a beautiful white castle – a masterpiece of Japanese architecture. The age of the castle is estimated from the fourteenth century. Now it is included in the UNESCO Heritage list. Crossing the wooden bridge, tourists get.
That's all what I wanted t tell about my dream vacation. I would like to visit Japan and to watch these attractions.