Поурочное планирование "English in Use 10"

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Phonetic drill
Listen and repeat:
a runny nose, a bad cough, a fever, a temperature, a headache, a backache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a broken arm, to take medicines, to take blood pressure, to examine;
Let’s solve the problem!
I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I spend my summer holidays in the USA. I live in a children’s camp. Today I’m not well: I have a runny nose, a sore throat and fever. I’m hot and weak. What should I do?
Алгоритм решения проблемной ситуации
1) Обратиться к врачу.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой (названия симптомов);
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
2) Понять рекомендации врача.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой;
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
Обладать навыками аудирования;
3) Выполнить рекомендации врача.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой;
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
Грамматический материал: модальные глаголы can, must, should, речевой образец I have;
Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
1) Sindy is ill today: she has a runny nose, a bad cough, a sore throat and a high…
a) broken arm;
b) temperature;
c) backache;
Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
2) Ben fell from his bike. He should visit his doctor because he has…:
a) a broken arm;
b) a stomachache;
c) high blood pressure;
Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
3) Lily is going to the dentist. She has…:
a) a runny nose;
b) a fever;
c) a toothache;
Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
4) Simon has a fever. He should stay in bed and …… to get better.
a) do sports;
b) take medicines;
c) go to school;
Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
5) Kate has a headache. She came to the doctor ……..:
a) to take blood pressure;
b) to take medicines;
c) to examine her throat;
Let’s solve the problem!
I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I spend my summer holidays in the USA. I live in a children’s camp. Today I’m not well: I have a runny nose, a sore throat and fever. I’m hot and weak. What should I do?
At the doctor’s
Doctor’s phrases:
- What’s the matter?
- How can I help you?
- What’s your problem?
- Let me examine you.
- Let’s have a look.
Patient’s phrases:
I have…
a runny nose, a sore throat, a broken arm, a stomachache and so on.
Do a crossword:
1. … your head with a door.
2. … your finger with a knife.
3. … the tooth with a nut.
4. … my ankle when I run.
5. The highest part of a body, you think and eat with it.
6. … your leg when you fall from the bike.
7. A little part of your arm.
8. … your back.
9. … my wrist when I’ve played basketball.
To be healthy you should or shouldn’t… Put in two columns
eat a light meal, eat too much ice cream, eat vegetables, eat fruits, wear warm clothes, walk in the rain, sunbathe a lot, smoke, drink alcohol, spend too much time in front of the TV, get enough sleep, get regular exercise.
Doctor (D): Good morning.
Patient (P): Hello, Doctor.
D: Now then, how can I help you?
P: Well doctor, I've got a headache.
D: Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example?
P: Well yes, I have high temperature, actually.
D: It looks to me as if you've got a cold.
P: Oh, have I, doctor?
D: Yes. Now I give you these pills. You should take two pills three times a day.
P: Thank you, doctor, thank you.