Поурочное планирование "English in Use 10"

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                      AT THE SCHOOL NURSE<br>
1 слайд


Doctors, nurses, dentists.<br>
2 слайд

Doctors, nurses, dentists.

                    Phonetic drill<br>Listen and repeat:<br>a runny nose, a bad cough, a fever,
3 слайд

Phonetic drill
Listen and repeat:
a runny nose, a bad cough, a fever, a temperature, a headache, a backache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a broken arm, to take medicines, to take blood pressure, to examine;

              Let’s solve the problem!<br><br><br><br><br><br>I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I
4 слайд

Let’s solve the problem!

I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I spend my summer holidays in the USA. I live in a children’s camp. Today I’m not well: I have a runny nose, a sore throat and fever. I’m hot and weak. What should I do?

Алгоритм решения проблемной ситуации<br>1) Обратиться к врачу.<br>Что для этого нужно?<br>Владеть ле
5 слайд

Алгоритм решения проблемной ситуации
1) Обратиться к врачу.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой (названия симптомов);
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
2) Понять рекомендации врача.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой;
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
Обладать навыками аудирования;
3) Выполнить рекомендации врача.
Что для этого нужно?
Владеть лексикой;
Владеть клишевыми выражениями;
Грамматический материал: модальные глаголы can, must, should, речевой образец I have;

Match the phrases and the pictures<br><br><br><br><br>            1                               2
6 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>               I have a sore throat<br><br>
7 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a sore throat

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>                I have a runny nose<br><br><br><br><br><br><br
8 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a runny nose

Picture 3

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a fever<br><br>
9 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a fever

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a headache<br><br>
10 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a headache

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a broken arm<br>
11 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a broken arm

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a toothache<br><br>
12 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a toothache

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a stomachache<br><br>
13 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a stomachache

Match the phrases and the pictures<br>I have a backache<br><br>
14 слайд

Match the phrases and the pictures
I have a backache

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions<br>1) Sindy is ill today: she has a runny nose, a bad co
15 слайд

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions
1) Sindy is ill today: she has a runny nose, a bad cough, a sore throat and a high…
a) broken arm;
b) temperature;
c) backache;

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions<br><br>2) Ben fell from his bike. He should visit his do
16 слайд

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions

2) Ben fell from his bike. He should visit his doctor because he has…:
a) a broken arm;
b) a stomachache;
c) high blood pressure;

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions<br><br>3) Lily is going to the dentist. She has…:<br>a)
17 слайд

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions

3) Lily is going to the dentist. She has…:
a) a runny nose;
b) a fever;
c) a toothache;

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions<br><br>4) Simon has a fever. He should stay in bed and …
18 слайд

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions

4) Simon has a fever. He should stay in bed and …… to get better.
a) do sports;
b) take medicines;
c) go to school;

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions<br><br>5) Kate has a headache. She came to the doctor ……
19 слайд

Fill the gaps with the words or expressions

5) Kate has a headache. She came to the doctor ……..:
a) to take blood pressure;
b) to take medicines;
c) to examine her throat;

              Let’s solve the problem!<br><br><br><br><br><br>I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I
20 слайд

Let’s solve the problem!

I’m a Russian boy. My name is Dima. I spend my summer holidays in the USA. I live in a children’s camp. Today I’m not well: I have a runny nose, a sore throat and fever. I’m hot and weak. What should I do?

Thank you, guys! Now I know all the necessary words and I can describe my health problems.<br>
21 слайд

Thank you, guys! Now I know all the necessary words and I can describe my health problems.

                 At the doctor’s<br>Doctor’s phrases:<br>- What’s the matter?<br>- How can I help yo
22 слайд

At the doctor’s
Doctor’s phrases:
- What’s the matter?
- How can I help you?
- What’s your problem?
- Let me examine you.
- Let’s have a look.

                        AT THE DOCTOR’S<br>  Patient’s phrases:<br>  I have…<br>  a runny nose, a so
23 слайд

Patient’s phrases:
I have…
a runny nose, a sore throat, a broken arm, a stomachache and so on.

Types of medicines<br>syrup<br>capsules<br>tablets<br>herbal remedies<br>
24 слайд

Types of medicines
herbal remedies

Do a crossword:<br>1. … your head with a door.<br>2. … your finger with a knife.<br>3. … the tooth w
25 слайд

Do a crossword:
1. … your head with a door.
2. … your finger with a knife.
3. … the tooth with a nut.
4. … my ankle when I run.
5. The highest part of a body, you think and eat with it.
6. … your leg when you fall from the bike.
7. A little part of your arm.
8. … your back.
9. … my wrist when I’ve played basketball.

To be healthy you should or shouldn’t… Put in two columns <br>eat a light meal, eat too much ice cre
26 слайд

To be healthy you should or shouldn’t… Put in two columns
eat a light meal, eat too much ice cream, eat vegetables, eat fruits, wear warm clothes, walk in the rain, sunbathe a lot, smoke, drink alcohol, spend too much time in front of the TV, get enough sleep, get regular exercise.

Doctor (D): Good morning.<br>Patient (P): Hello, Doctor.<br>D: Now then, how can I help you?<br>P: W
27 слайд

Doctor (D): Good morning.
Patient (P): Hello, Doctor.
D: Now then, how can I help you?
P: Well doctor, I've got a headache.
D: Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example?
P: Well yes, I have high temperature, actually.
D: It looks to me as if you've got a cold.
P: Oh, have I, doctor?
D: Yes. Now I give you these pills. You should take two pills three times a day.
P: Thank you, doctor, thank you.

Do the dialogues:<br><br>
28 слайд

Do the dialogues:

29 слайд


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